I would like to nominate the following ... |
Athlete |
Team |
Coach |
Special Contributor
Name of Nominee: |
Nominee's Year of Graduation: |
Nominee's Contact Information: | Include nominee's address, telephone number, and/or email address
Sport[s] Played by Nominee: |
Nominee's Records: | Include Nominee's Won/Lost Record or Personal Records
Nominee's Awards: | Include Nomineee's Awards Receieved or other Recognition:
Nominee's Contributions [Special Contributors]: | Include Special Contributor's value to Nottingham High School:
Other Information: | Include Nominee's college information, athletic organization memberships, or athletic participation:
Biographical Information: | Include Nominee's Biographical Information
Comments: | Include your personal comments on nominee
Person Nominating Candidate: | Include your name, telephone number, and email address
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